14-15 Jun 2018 Lyon (France)
Proton Computed Tomography with the pencil beam method
Christian Finck  1@  , Yusuf Karakaya  1  , Marie Vanstalle  1  , Marc Rousseau  1  , Julie Constanzo@
1 : IPHC
Université de Strasbourg, IPHC, CNRS, UMR 7178

Proton computed tomography (pCT) could be an alternative for a direct measurement of the Relative Stopping Power, instead of extracting the RSP from a X-CT image. Nevertheless, the proton imager needs to follow protons one-by-one, leading to severe constraints on the DAQ system (rate in order of few hundred MHz) in clinical conditions.

A new method for proton beam computed tomography (pBCT) was developed. In this approach, protons are no more tracked one-by-one but bunch per bunch, reducing accordingly the DAQ rate. A dedicated study using MC simulations was carried out with different phantoms to assess resolution, RSP reconstruction map, diffusion map, etc...

Some of the obtained results will be presented.


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